Complete – Recruit 50 Black Male Mentors
Complete – Recruit 50 Black Male Mentors | #MenWhoMentor Iniaitive
Cause: Education
Project: Six Young Philanthropists recruited 50 Black men to sign-up for mentoring programs. A young Black boy has a 1 in 3 chance of going to prison in his life compared to 1 in 17 of his counterparts. Fifty-nine percent (59%) of Black males who have gone to prison, dropped out of school. The team will try to improve these statistics by increasing the number of male mentors.
Impact: 50 Young Black Boys Mentored by 50 Black Men
Young Philanthropists Participating: Ora Wiseman, Garrett James, Joshlyn Ross, Jennifer Rhodan, Letitia Tajuba, Nicholas Gourdine
UPDATE: The Men Who Mentor YP Giving Circle hosted a mixer on May 29, 2013, from 5:30pm – 8:30pm at Lost Society. This event connected young black professional men to mentoring organizations looking for male mentors. To date 53 men signed up as mentors.